Thursday, April 8, 2010

Million Dollar Baby

Last week at Wrestlemania, my dad, The Million Dollar Man was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. I guess that prestigious honor had some... some kind of profound respect of my father because last week on RAW, he did something he’s never done before. Ever. He tried to act like a father. Well, Dad, newsflash: one act of random kindness doesn’t make up for all those lost years. All the baseball games. The football games. The birthday parties. My graduation. The time for missed opportunities is over. But, but you know better than anyone how to win me over, and it’s not through my heart, it’s through my bank account. So, so thanks Dad for the trust fund. And thanks to your Million Dollar title. You know, it truly is good being the fortunate son.”

~Ted DiBiase; Monday Night RAW, 04/05/10

Looks like The Million Dollar Man has allowed his Juniors to play with his artifices. Or perhaps this is the bridge that Ted, Sr. is trying to create to make up for those "lost times" his son has been raving about.

Save the outbursts about Ted, Jr.'s daddy issues (the football games and baseball leagues that his father failed to attend to). Surely, this Million Dollar Baby is bound to walk on his old man's footsteps (if you can't win it, buy it! But if you can't buy it, make one.).

The Million Dollar Championship seems to be the ultimate juju in the House of the DiBiases. Talk about the chip off the old block uncovering the belt this past Monday and simply pinning Christian with a flat-out 1-2-3. ♥

I say this piece of jewelry has to be defended. Well, at least Ted and Christian have to go somewhere.

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