Friday, April 16, 2010

Whoring A Word Is World-Renowned

It's amazing how people could whore such words. Heck, I remember when I was nine years of age: I constantly used the word "shit", as though it was the most beautiful thing that ever came out of my innocent lips. And that alone was by watching Stand By Me on VCD. Of course, because I was an arrogant little infantile, I had the erratic comprehension that I was established enough to execrate and venerate such words. So, whore it is. And here I am. And I groveled my way here with every celebrated cuss at the tip of my very tongue.

Fast-forward a little bit about a year or two after being exposed to absolute liberty: Looking past old notebooks and whatnot, I noticed something unusual. The sight was quite appalling in fact that even to this day, I wouldn't want to read old notes of mine wherein perusing upon inklings may still be possible. How terrifying it is that every time I got extremely upset, I'd use a bad word - and whore that indecent thought/language/syllable throughout the rest of a writing. I didn't like the thought of senseless cussing hence after.

I do really believe that once a word has been whored one too many times (can you see me whoring the word "whore", right now?), sooner or later, a person who once found it exceptionally flabbergasting would dislike even the very thought of it; every letter of it; every memory with it; every fiber of it.

Now that you have grown up, wth?, people around you are starting to use that very word! That's yours! Heck, you've used it so many times, people would most likely see your name next to it in the dictionary! Irritating, isn't it? That you're not the only one who can use the word after all? That people are so strange and so infuriating for using the word in happiness, and not in contempt nor for the price of recognition? That you're not the only whore word-whore around here after all?

It's time to wake up because you're not nine anymore. Or ten, or eleven. You've grown, and it's time to leave the childlike outlook behind. Harsh truth is that, you can't always get what you want (insert Mick Jagger's mic skillz). It's droll how you are easily angered by this. Do you feel fractional that you got earlier into the bandwagon and never received the pleasure of staying in the after-party? Well, too bad, Little Polly Flinders, Sat Among the Cinders. If the Whored Word was too insensitive towards your feelings, and if it had been so numb towards your hubbubs and neurotic antics, I am sure that it is sorry it never took much notice of you. But also, (only because you put on quite a show), I assure you: it will never in a lightyear like you any longer.

At a time, I have read a certain chapter in Great Expectations wherein Charles Dickens wrote, "Throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise." Applicably, he is nothing but accurate.

Yes, this post has a double meaning.

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