Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Pacific Part Two: Guadalcanal/Basilone

I admit that I enjoyed watching this episode better than I did the first. I have recognized more characters like Chuckler, Hoosier and Runner. All three have been very funny - period. Humor was actually what made me like this episode best. There were a lot of uproarious moments, believe me. Like that time when both Leckie's and Basilone's groups raided the Army's supplies. The aftermath of that exploit must have marked my favorite scenes. The Peaches/Old Faithful antics were amusing - and you just have to love Leckie wearing those beautiful Moccasins!

On the down side, people are changing more and more. JP Morgan has nearly gone out of his wits just listening to a radio station talk about actual food. Even worse is that, their menu would only consist of "Rice without Beef. Rice Without Chicken. Rice Without Shrimp", etc. Plain rice would have been fine if only they weren't maggot-infested.

The ending was rather sad. Marines and Japs alike got killed like crazy, but Manny's death was truly a shock. John Basilone is officially bad-ass! In the grand scheme of things, he created one big human slaughter just by picking up a machine gun alone. Cripes, everyone was daunted. At any rate, it tuned out to be a depressing day for everyone in combat. It was a relief seeing Leckie and the guys have a cup of coffee. Knowing that they may in fact have a little rest from war eventually puts a smile on my face.

Meanwhile, Eugene would not be heeding his father's advice anymore. I am still excited for his enlistment with the Marines.

"Guadalcanal? Everybody's heard of Guadalcanal and the 1st Marine division. You guys are on the front page of every newspaper in America. You're heroes back home."

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