Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Pacific Part Three: Melbourne

I don't care what anyone says, I was happy with this episode anyway! For some, perhaps a respite from war came a little early for the show, so they never really found this enjoyable. I thought otherwise, despite the program's decrease in rating. With scraggy hair, scarred skins, mud-strewn faces and weary physiques, to be honest, the Marines all looked like shit. It's a good basis for me to assert this breather appropriate. Personally, I never expected the Marines to hang about Melbourne throughout the whole episode. It made me wonder if they might also repose within close range of the Philippines. :)

Starting with the things that surprised me, the first one has got to be Leckie's "fling" with Stella - a composite replica of the real Robert Leckie's many, many women. Of course, with Vera still in the picture, I never really projected their relationship to last for so long - but Stella's reason of "dumping" Leckie wasn't very fair either. Leckie, obviously upset (and possibly drunk), blasphemes Lieutenant Corrigan and gets himself locked up in detention with the unfortunate Chuckler (he only wanted to take a leak!). And if that wasn't bad enough, this attitude gets Leckie booted to a Battalion Intelligence Officer. Another thing that surprised me was Chesty talking John Basilone into going home for war bonds. I never envisaged anything about that matter, and felt it done so soon. Another sad prospect between John and JP. It truly was a distressing moment to see that kind of parting between the two. I felt bad for JP, all the more.

And what with the comfort of food, shelter, and the many, many beautiful girls - it was Paradise for everyone. The Marines going AWOL right after docking was gleeful. Another funny part was a lineup early in the morning, preceding the guys' decadent freedom: everyone was left sleepless and deep-set with a little bit of hang-over left. Heck, even Lieutenant Corrigan couldn't speak right of himself! And a Marine, who couldn't stand straight anymore, eventually fell flat on his face! Hoosier and Runner going about the bar were amusing. And after learning that he was to be awarded the Medal of Honor, a confused John Basilone (strangely getting attractive) heaves alcohol on Chesty's desk (blockbuster is the shiz)!

I can say that Badgett Dale is really good in this episode. Every scene he had was awe-striking. I was most happy when Leckie shared something about his family. Also, I never really expected the presentation of the Medal of Honor to be any grander. I found Jon Seda really good during Basilone's awarding moment though. I thought that it was the complete example of Dr. Sledge's caveat to his son of having "no life left in his eyes" after the war. And speaking of Eugene, he was nowhere to be found throughout the whole episode. Meanwhile, his friend, Sidney Phillips also had his own share of women. It went fine for him, but I never enjoyed much of his account. Frankly, I found his love story tedious whereas Leckie’s was cordial and intriguing.

Really, I liked Part Three. I thought it was rather exciting. I'm sure that after this, the guys will be back in combat and we'll be discovering more from them. But so far, character development was perfectly woven in this episode, and I've learned more about these Marines in some such ways possible. I have no problem with regards to this installment. In fact I have watched this at least five times already, and I've been itching for Part Four every now and again.

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