Friday, April 23, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Episode 3

I inserted the VCD, and woah! – the hell? Maugrim’s floating head greeted me at the very entrance of Episode 3. To top that off, his impossibly loud echo of a voice still frightens me! And trust me, I’ve seen him at least twice in this episode and I gave the same reaction. But because I found it somehow entertaining, I say Martin Stone did a fantastic job!

There were so many things that surprised me in this episode. It was a jack-in-a-box; silent yet so deadly: artlessly resting upon your dresser, waiting for the passer-by with the weakest heart. And before they know it – bam! – cardiac arrest! :-bd I am honestly torn. I love/hate every scene, and I find the most ridiculous takes amusing. I mean, whoa – BIG BEAVER! Ha-ha. That was “unpredictable”, I’ll give you that. But seriously, it was engaging from the get-go, and I was slightly hooked.

Scene after scene, I’ve come to enjoy this persona that Young Master Scott has concocted. Part Four focused on Edmund more. I like how they showed the “good conscience” and how the evil one wasn’t in any way present (it just proves that Edmund is Malevolence himself!). Edmund had a reason to go to the White Witch: the Beavers were sort of annoying. It’s been at least thirty minutes and they’re still talking about Aslan. And by the way, I heard the latch open in the middle of Mr. Beaver’s tale. And when they realized that Edmund had gone – that was some overreaction (I’m looking at you, Peter). Another funny part was when after "looking" for Edmund (really just positioned themselves in front of the Beavers' house and repeatedly called out, "Edmund! Edmund!"), they all decided to sit down and talk about the little miscreant for another thirty minutes! Sick.

I think there also was a talk about the prophecy. But I was too busy munching on my SkyFlakes to even listen (I’d watch it again tomorrow, don’t worry). Come to think of it, I enjoyed this episode better than the Beavers scene on the Narnia remake of 2005. Sure, the bats in the end suck (the hell was that?), and there was was a weird and cheesy vibe when Mr. Beaver first mentioned Aslan – but in terms of this episode and that scene, I’d gladly choose this as the winner. Just saying.

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