Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wrestling 101 Courtesy of Batista

Batista, who apparently still hasn't gotten over the duct-tape incident at Extreme Rules, finally made it a point to go teacher-y on us: Do you know what a Last Man Standing Match is?

Gasp! Why no, Mr. Batista. We're ignorant, psychopathic little hypocrites who find it amusing for people to get embarrassed. Pray sir, enlighten us with your buckets of wisdom.

"A Last Man Standing Match is - now pay attention... pay attention - is when you beat your opponent so brutally and so decisively that he is unable to stand before the count of ten! Can you count to ten?! That is not what happened last week. I'm going to show you exactly what happened:"

Other notes from The Animal himself (please memorize):

"That was by far... that was by far, the most embarrassing moment... of John Cena's career. No, I'm sorry. I take that back. That was by far the most embarrassing moment of John Cena's life! STOOP THAT LOW! Duct tape? Seriously? Really? Duct tape?! That's something Hornswoggle would do!"

We're sure it is, Batista. We're sure it is.
Class dismissed.

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